Today, we were joined by Erin O'Grady, Colleen Farley and guest speaker Anita Conlon. Anita thanked our Club for our continuous support of the Pittsford Food Cupboard, along with Matt O'Connor, Pete Crooker, Joe Hammele and all the other Rotarians who have contributed to the Food Cupboard.

Steve Wilterdink purchased a pair of sneakers that were the wrong size and decided to donate it to our Veterans. He is asking everyone to bring gently used sneakers and shoes at our next meeting. Jim Murphy and he will take them to Veterans Outreach. Pam and Bruce are reminding everyone to attend the September fellowship at Bruce's Keuka lake home this Saturday, Sept 6. Malcolm is asking everyone to support Hike for Haccamo on Sept. 28.  Please contact Bruce Spector about your dish-to-pass and choice of chicken or beef for the Teddy Bear picnic on Sept. 24.

We  started the meeting with Malcolm telling us a little about himself.  He has 30+ years experience in electronic and software product design for security and communications systems, medical devices and portable instruments. He provides expert solutions for large and small operating environments. His goal it to delight customers and colleagues alike. Malcolm has been validated with BS degree equivalency as an EE by the US Immigration Service.

Malcolm is always ina high mood and outgoing, He aspires to help people realize the champion within them. Malcolm enjoys networking and learning about how to help others be the best they can be. He is originally from Warrington, England. Malcolm lives in Henrietta with his lovely wife, Liz.

We also sang "Happy Birthday" to our September celebrants: Parul Parel, Matt Wahl, Steve Wilterdink, Jackie Swift, Ashok Patel, Alan Wood, Billy Pieper, Jan Goldman and Taylor Soong lead by our very own celebrity: Lynn Freshman.
